

2019-07-21 11:10

超白玻璃:超白玻璃是一种超透明低铁玻璃,它是一种高品质、多功能的新型玻璃品 种,透光率可达91.5%以上,具有晶莹剔透、高贵典雅的特性,有玻璃家族 “水晶王子”之称。世界上能生产超白玻璃的有美国PPG、法国圣戈班、英国皮尔金顿、日本旭硝子、中国南玻、台玻、信义集团等少数企业。祥捷公司生产的超白U型玻璃也是其中之一,其生产的超白U型玻璃是按照欧盟EN 572-1玻璃标准来执行的。真正的超白玻璃每片的透光率应大于91%,国内一些小厂家所生产的超白玻璃很多都达不到91%透光率的要求。真正的超白玻璃每一片的含铁量应小于0.03%,对于这一点国内很多企业也是达不到要求的,所以我们在选择超白U型玻璃的时候要注意。该生产线使用了新型的熔化、成型技术以及优先的压延玻璃生产线。真正知道信赖的好品牌。


Ultrawhite glass: Ultrawhite glass is an ultra-transparent and low-iron glass. It is a high-quality, multi-functional new type of glass product with a light permeability of more than 91.5 %. It has crystal clear, noble and elegant features. It is called the "Crystal Prince" of the glass family. In the world, ultra-white glass can be produced by PPG in the United States, St. Goban in France, Pierkinton in the United Kingdom, Asahi in Japan, South China, Taiwan, and Xinyi Group. The ultra-white U-glass produced by Xiangjie is also one of them. The ultra-white U-glass produced by Xiangjie is executed according to the EU EN 572-1 glass standard. The true ultra-white glass should have a light permeability of more than 91 % per piece. Many of the ultra-white glass produced by some small manufacturers in China have less than 91 % of the light permeability requirements. The iron content of each piece of real ultra-white glass should be less than 0.03 %. For this point, many domestic companies are also unable to meet the requirements, so we must pay attention to the choice of ultra-white U-glass. The production line uses a new type of melting and forming technology and a leading glass compression production line. A good brand that really knows how to trust.